Friday, December 7, 2007

Please keep the

Faith ladies! I have several, several files in the works. I am going to try to post 3 next tuned!
Be Blessed!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

I have enough

test cutters now. I will be emailing you sometime this weekend or monday to let you know you have been selected. All I am looking for is someone to test cut my creations, give me feedback on how it could be better, etc.

thanks ladies!


Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Looking for a few good girls...

to help me do some test cutting. I have several files ready for posting, but with working full-time outside the home now...I don't have as much time to do this. So if you would be interested in being a "File Test Cutter"....shoot me an email and let me know.
Be Blessed:)

Wednesday, November 21, 2007


Where does the time go? I have been busy, busy, busy getting ready for Turkey Day! I can't believe it has been 10 days since I was on here. I know that I owe a few freebie files...but just be patient with me. I assure you...they are coming.

All files have been given out and sent :) This file will be available at Cutter's Market soon..... Have a safe & wonderful holiday!

Be Blessed!


Sunday, November 11, 2007

Christmas File Ideas????

Anyone have a request for Christmas Files? I am looking for some ideas! Please send them my way.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Another file...

it was requested that I offer up the other 10 tiny little I am offering it up today. I am working on some new files...hopefully they will be ready sometime next week. I have the B file ready.....just need to test cut it.

Need to get back to studying and writing a report.

Be Blessed!

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE when sending a request...send only ONE request per email...if you want 2 different files, I need 2 different emails...or chances are pretty good that you will only get 1 of the files you were wanting!


Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Where has the time gone???

Wow....can't believe that it is Tuesday already! Had a great time over the weekend with my mom on our mom-daughter trip. Had lots of time to just talk and relax. We did get some shopping in (mostly for food items)...and my mom's buddy from college hooked up with us on Sat. Also got in LOTS of reading, as we both LOVE to read.

I read the new James Patterson book....You've Been Warned...and started on One for the Money by Janet Evanovich.

I have been thinking about files to create...I have been very busy working on the Letter "B" Hopefully it will be ready by next week.

I am offering today one of my files that I created a while back. That way, I will get 2 in this week.

So, email me if you are intersted in this file...I know, I still have a few to send out...hopefully after picking up the triplets from preschool. Still need to test cut the bone one....but hopefully will get it done in a few minutes.

I am still working on some requests....if you have a request...feel free to send it my way!

Be Blessed!


Thursday, November 1, 2007


Okay. I have been totally busy this week. First work on Monday...Tuesday...had to get the girls ready for the big Halloween party at to work at my son's school...back to pick up the girls...home to clean up a little....then off with the boy scouts to a haunted house...then to eat...then home. Up on Wed. for work...back home to cook dinner..then dress everyone for trick or treating....then home to get everyone to bed. Up on Thurs. for work....then home to pickup the kids to get haircuts....while visiting with a good friend (who does all of our hair too :) Back home to put the kids to bed....and now gotta go pack for the mom-daughter weekend this weekend....(THAT would be me and my mom....the girls are staying home with hubby and son.) Boy, I just feel like I have been in a tornado all week!

So...anyway, that is why I wanted to post the freebies earlier this week. I will get them email out on Monday or Tuesday of next week. I am working on the letter B for next week...along with something else. So never fear if you email a request and have not received it. I still need to test cut the "My Poor Bones."

Have a blessed weekend!

Monday, October 29, 2007

2nd offer of the night...

Okay...I am going out of town at the end of the week...and wanted to make sure I get my 2 offers up this week (maybe more...if there is time) here is the 2nd offer of the day.

Also looking for some "B" ideas....

what kind of die cuts would you like?
Complete this phrase....

"B" is for ________, _____________.

And while I am at it...thought I would start thinking about "C"....

so.....what kind of die cuts would you like?
Complete this phrase....

"C" is for __________,______________.

As always...when emailing me...put "Ten Tiny Toes".

That way, I know which file you are requesting...

Be Blessed!


First of the Alphabet files.....

Okay, A is finished. I want to caution you, when you go to will need to not cut it all at I tried to cut all of the background of the words at was too much for my WB. So, I cut it in 1/2...did 1/2 of the shadows then did the other half. I also realize, you may not use both of the it may be okay to cut only 1 saying....but when I was test cutting, I tried doing both....make sense?
So here is what you will get...
A is for Apple, all shiny and red. green.
A is for Alphabet, We're beginning to learn.
Picture of an anchor
Picture of an acorn
Picture of an apple

Hope you like! There will also be an apple to cut...but didn't get it in the picture. Using the blog comments just got too confusing for me:)-

Be Blessed!


Sunday, October 28, 2007

Posting Comments...

Okay... so a few of you posted a comment to my blog and it was rejected...that is only because you didn't include your email. If you will post another comment, I will add you to my list of people who I will be sending out the file too. If you don't post your email, then I have no way of responding to you with the free file.

be blessed!


Friday, October 26, 2007

It seems that

there are several out there that would like to do this ABC book I have started creating files for that. I will mix ABC files with other files to hopefully keep everyones attention :)

So, my chore for today is to work on the Letter "A." Any thing you would like to see for it???
Here is what I have so far....
a bible verse for "A"
Apple to cut
maybe an airplane????
anything specific anyone is wanting?
I am also trying to decide what to use to complete this sentence:
"A is for _____, ________________."
Let me know what ya'll think!
Gotta get dinner done...we have a Cub Scout Pack meeting tonight :)
Be Blessed!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Another new file... is a file for all those broken bones out there. My middle DD fell down our stairs and broke her collar bone :( So I thought this would be a great file to create....hope someone else can use it.

Also, I have had some requests for files in a format other than anyone out there needing this? I can send a DXF file for those that would rather have it. Just let me know.

So you know the drill...first 25 to respond to the comment section here with their email..these comments will not be I don't want to share your info....... will get this file....but it may be Monday before I get it sent I need to test cut it first.
Be Blessed!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Still freebies....

Left from my last post...ALL HAVE BEEN GIVEN OUT...WATCH YOUR INBOX TOMMORROW FOR IT...I will email the files out!
See a preview of what is to come in the next few weeks....
Be Blessed!

Monday, October 22, 2007

Busy, busy weekend & day....

I must say "sorry" to those of you who "won" the Enjoying a Slice of Summer file...I have not had a chance to get them out. We had about 75 people from our church at our house on Sat. for a hayride and cookout. It was a lot of fun...but a lot of work :) And I meant to get the file out before all the folks began to arrive, but of course...that didn't happen. So I must say "sorry" to those I owe it too.

Okay....for those of you who don't make the "First 25", if you send me 4 NEW file ideas...I will send you your choice of which file you want of those up on my blog....make cents (or is that sense)??? I am looking for BABY BOOK ideas specifically......
Also, anyone interested in doing an ABC book? I am working with my triplets on learning their letters....anyone else interested in doing this project with me and my girls????

YES, I know the difference, so please don't email me about that....just trying to be funny...or to see who is actually reading this :)

I have another file ready for today. As always....available to the first 25 to email me directly at

Be Blessed!


Friday, October 19, 2007

Another file...

coming your way... ALL HAVE BEEN PROMISED....., will email them out later tonight...after all of our compnay leave. After I award the winning 25...anyone else interested may purchase them at cuttermarket. They should be up in the next week or so.

For those of you who won the Corn Maze one...I have to go to the Scout booth and sell popcorn until later tonight...but will hopefully be getting it out then.
ALSO LOOKING FOR SOME IDEAS TO USE WITH A BABY BOOK, as I am working on a book for my niece and one for a friend's baby (one boy, one girl)...if you have any suggestions, please email me.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Gettin' in the Groove... goal is to post freebies 2x per week...could be any day. Just trying to get back in the groove of creating....since I started working again full-time. Boy has that cut into the creative time. is my first post in a long, long time.

Hubby and I took the family to our local corn maze...and boy did it take forever to find our way out. The operators said if we turned the correct way each would take 15 minutes. But, needless to say, we took SEVERAL wrong turns...and 1 hour 18 minutes and 46 seconds later...we were outta there!

First 25 people to email will get this FREE!!! send emails with "Corn Maze File" in subject All spots are on the look out for the next "Free File"

Hope someone can use this. If you have any requests....let me know!
